Plot: I-02 |
| Surname: HELGESEN | Given: Charles | Age at Burial: 38 |
Born: 04/09/1903 | Died: 1941 | Burial: 12/04/1941 |
Inscription: "HELGESEN / Charles / 1903-1941 / Marion I. / 1900-" |
Notes: Charles Hans Wallace Helgesen, husband of Marion I. Minns. Birthdate from church records. |
Plot: J-38 |
| Surname: HELGESEN | Given: Cora A. | Age at Burial: 81 |
Born: 1903 | Died: 1986 | Burial: 07/11/1986 |
Inscription: "In loving memory of / Cora A. Helgesen / 1903-1986" |
Notes: |
Plot: K-08 |
| Surname: HELGESEN | Given: Eleanor Constance | Age at Burial: 42 |
Born: | Died: 03/14/1925 | Burial: 03/18/1925 |
Inscription: "In loving memory of / Eleanor Constance / Beloved wife of / Thomas F. Helgesen / Died March 14, 1925 / Aged 42 years" |
Notes: Eleanor Constance (nee Loat), wife of Thomas Fulton Helgesen |
Plot: K-06 |
| Surname: HELGESEN | Given: Hans | Age at Burial: 87 |
Born: 1831 | Died: 09/01/1918 | Burial: 09/04/1918 |
Inscription: "Hans Helgesen / a Native of Askar, Norway / Died Sept 1, 1918 / Aged 87 / Blessed are those servants whom the Lord / when he cometh / Shall find watching" |
Notes: Hans Lars Helgesen, born at Askar, Norway. Husband of Lillian (Colquhoun) Helgesen. |
Plot: I-03/I-04 |
| Surname: HELGESEN | Given: Henry Charles | Age at Burial: 70 |
Born: 1865 | Died: 1935 | Burial: 04/30/1935 |
Inscription: "HELGESEN / Henry Charles / 1865-1935 / Jenny Wallace / 1876-1948" |
Notes: Henry Charles Helgesen, husband of Jeanette (nee Wallace). |
Plot: L-03 |
| Surname: HELGESEN | Given: James L. | Age at Burial: 17M |
Born: | Died: 03/17/1865 | Burial: 03/17/1865 |
Inscription: "Sacred to the memory / James L. Helgeson / who died / March 11th, 1865 / Aged 1 year & 5 months / This flower once fair / lies faded here." |
Notes: James & brother William originally buried on family farm. Later moved to St Mary's Church Cemetery when it opened. |
Plot: L-02 |
| Surname: HELGESEN | Given: Lilian Margaret | Age at Burial: 8 |
Born: | Died: 01/25/1882 | Burial: 01/27/1883 |
Inscription: "In loving memory of / Lillian M. Helgesen / Died Jan 25, 1882 / Aged 8 years / Asleep in Jesus" |
Notes: Born at Metchosin, British Columbia. |
Plot: K-05 |
| Surname: HELGESEN | Given: Lillian Margaret | Age at Burial: 68 |
Born: 1835 | Died: 09/13/1903 | Burial: 09/17/1903 |
Inscription: "In loving memory of / Blessed are those servants / Whom the Lord, when he cometh / shall find watching" |
Notes: Born County Donegal, Ireland. Schoolteacher and seamstress. Lillian Margaret (nee Colquhoun), wife of Hans Helgesen. |
Plot: K-07 |
| Surname: HELGESEN | Given: Margaret Fulton | Age at Burial: 16 |
Born: | Died: 12/28/1926 | Burial: 12/31/1926 |
Inscription: "In loving memory of/ Margaret F. Helgesen / Their dauhgter / Died Dec 28, 1926 / Aged 16 years" |
Notes: Daughter of Thomas F. and Eleanor Constance (Loat) Helgesen. |
Plot: I-02 |
| Surname: HELGESEN | Given: Marion I. | Age at Burial: 91 |
Born: 1900 | Died: | Burial: 02/12/1992 |
Inscription: "HELGESEN / Charles / 1903-1941 / Marion I. / 1900- |
Notes: Marion Isabelle (nee Minns), wife of Charles H. W. Helgesen. She was a teacher at Metchosin School 1926-1929. |
Plot: K-03 |
| Surname: HELGESEN | Given: Martin | Age at Burial: 45 |
Born: | Died: | Burial: 08/14/1879 |
Inscription: |
Notes: Unmarked plot. |
Plot: L-09 |
| Surname: HELGESEN | Given: Thomas Fulton | Age at Burial: 83 |
Born: 05/18/1869 | Died: 10/21/1953 | Burial: 10/23/1953 |
Inscription: "In loving memory of" |
Notes: Thomas F. Helgesen, husband of Eleanor Constance (nee Loat). |
Plot: L-03 |
| Surname: HELGESEN | Given: William M. | Age at Burial: 4M |
Born: | Died: 05/24/1872 | Burial: 05/17/1872 |
Inscription: "Sacred to the memory / James L. Helgeson... / also / William M. Helgesen / who died / may 24th 1872 / Aged 4 months and 7 days" |
Notes: Obvious discrepancy in dates. William M. & his brother James L., were originally buried on Helgesen family farm. |